Gastonia Housing Authority Contact List


Due to heavy call volume, our staff is not always able to answer your call. Please leave us a voicemail with your name, contact information and how we can help.

New applicants or applicants currently on the waitlist

Checking your position on the waiting list
To check position on the waiting list, applicants should call our automated waiting list information line at 704-675- 7677. The automated system is updated monthly so new applications or updated may not be immediately available. When checking your position let the prompts finish completely or the system may not be able to find your application.

Other applicant inquiries or issues
All other general applicant inquiries or issues should be directed to or 704-349-5113.


Applicants who have been pulled from the waiting list
Current voucher holders and Port In
Requests for Tenancy Approval Forms (RfTAs)
  Email Address Phone #
Admissions 704-349-5071
Current Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Participants / Tenants and their Landlords
Our HCV caseloads are divided alphabetically by last name.
Housing Specialist Email Address Phone # Caseload by Last Name
Lynette Harwood 704-349-5121
A - Jen
Jacqueline Wallace

Jeo - Z
RAD Applicants and Tenants
Cameron Courts, Weldon Heights, Mountain View, Linwood Terrace, Dallas High School,
Gateway Village and Loftin at Montcross
Housing Specialist Email Address Phone #
Carmelia Owens 704-349-5140
Inspections 704-675-7907
If you do not receive a response from your housing specialist within 3 business days, please contact the Housing Programs Manager at or 704-349-5106. Please remember GHA offices are closed on Fridays.
Concerned Citizens or Complaints
Citizens who have a concern or who wish to report fraud or abuse should contact Gigi Campbell at or at 704-349-5098. Complaints can also be submitted on our website at

Housing Programs Manager   704-349-5106
Finance Tammy Leighton 704-349-5111
Office Manager Gigi Campbell 704-349-5098
Executive Director Terri Sanford